Besides the dissemination of my research results at professional conferences, I’ve been involved in several outreach and science communication activities since I started my research path. Here I list some of them (in no particular order).
Announcement of the EHT collaboration results about the first image of the shadow of SagittariusA*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way (12 May 2022):
Main Spanish press conference in Madrid, synchronized with other worldwide events (in Spanish): link.
Panelist of the online live Q&A event organized by the European Southern Observatory (in English): link.
ESO Announcement, Media advisory press conference on groundbreaking Milky Way results from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration on May 12, 2022: link
Science podcasts about black holes:
Rai Radio 1 (in Italian), for the radio broadcast ‘Zapping’ by Giancarlo Loquenzi (13/05/2022): link.
Radio 3 Spain (in Spanish), for the radio broadcast ‘fallo de sistema by Santiago Bustamante: link.
Some outreach talks:
Verso l’orizzonte degli eventi e oltre: fotografare i buchi neri con un telescopio grande come la Terra, for the science outreach organization “AstronomiAmo”, 2022 (in Italian): abstract, recording.
Radio astronomy and the hidden side of the universe, for Astronomy on tap, Bonn, 2020 (in English): link.
To the event horizon and beyond: imaging black holes with an Earth-sized telescope, University of Valencia, 2020 (in English): program, recording.
Imaging the supermassive black hole at the galactic center with the EHT, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada, 2022: link.
Verso l’orizzonte degli eventi e oltre: fotografare i buchi neri con un telescopio grande come la Terra, Festival della scienza 2023, Vibo Valentia: link, link.
La noche europea de l@s investigador@s, Granada, 2022: link, link.
“Astronomia oltre…le culture, le tradizioni e i confini” for “Festival dell’Oriente” in Bologna, 2018: link.
Some articles on newspapers
WIRED, Dopo i due buchi neri, l’Event horizon telescope ha immortalato un quasar lontanissimo: link.
ABC (Spanish national newspaper), ‘Ya estamos observando otras galaxias, como una candidata a contener dos agujeros negros en su centro’: link.
20minutos (Spanish newspaper), ‘El agujero negro no es tan grande como para absorber la Vía Láctea’: link.
El Pais (Spanish national newspaper), Sagitario A*, el amigo inquieto de la Vía Láctea que esquivaba la foto: link.
Media INAF, Buchi neri di ieri, oggi e domani: link.
Media INAF, Ecco il buco nero al centro della nostra galassia: link.
il fatto quotidiano, Il buco nero al centro della Via Latte: link.
El periodico (Spanish newspaper), Lograda la primera imagen de Sagitario A*, el agujero negro en el centro de la Vía Láctea: link.
The New York Times, article about the Sagittarius A* results by the EHT collaboration: link.
Corriere della Calabria, C’è un pezzo di Calabria nella scoperta del buco nero al centro della galassia: link.